Everything you need to know about Kybella

When it comes to fat reduction treatments, there are a diverse set of solutions designed to handle excess fat in the most inconvenient areas. One of these areas is the area under the chin and jaw, where fat accumulates and creates the infamous double chin. We have all seen them pop up in group photos and selfies. It does not seem like a big deal at first but once you start seeing it in every photo that you’re in, it can become distracting and make you feel anxious about your own body.
But there are cosmetic solutions out there designed to make life a little easier in this regard. One of these is Kybella, a specialized fat reduction treatment meant to specifically handle the fat under the chin. As most people do not know much about the treatment it is up to veteran practitioners to inform us about what it is and what it does. From the average Kybella price that clinics charge for the treatment, to how it actually works and what the results will look like. This doctor has plenty of answers he wishes to share and we want to share them with you.
The doctor interviewed in this article, has been operating for years and has seen a recent rise in the popularity of Kybella. To get to the bottom of why this treatment is becoming so popular, we should first understand what it is and what it does.
I: Before we actually get into the details of Kybella and how it works, I wanted to know your opinion on why you believe that Kybella has recently become so popular.
D: I believe there are several factors at play. It’s not like one day everyone woke up and started thinking about the treatment. It is popular, sure, but it’s not something you would call “mainstream”. I think it came with the pandemic and with how people had more time to themselves as they did not have to go to work or didn’t have the opportunities to socialize. Staying at home you have more time to reflect on yourself and how you look. Not to mention how staying at home also means you’re physically less active, this ends up with more accumulated fat in uncomfortable areas. So while I can’t speak for everyone, I believe it is because of the more self-reflection that is currently happening in comparison to before the pandemic, as well as the extra fat that so many people have put on as they stayed at home.
I: How does Kybella help people in this regard?
D: The Kybella injections are designed to burn away excess fat in areas where the compound is injected. To be fair, currently, the Kybella compound is FDA approved to be used exclusively for double chin removals. But in theory, the treatment works in such a way that it is able to burn through fat regardless of where on the body it is. As the compound deteriorates the extra fat, the double chin slowly shrinks until you only have a smooth jawline and profile left. It helps people take control of their appearance and bring it closer to their ideal self-image.
I: What is this compound and how is it so effective at burning away fat?
D: The compound we inject during the Kybella procedures is a synthetic version of a stomach acid that is naturally produced by your body called the “deoxycholic acid”. Its entire purpose in your stomach is to break down the fat that you consume and help digest it. So if it can burn the fat that goes into the stomach, you would also think that it can burn fat in other areas of the body too. So, the synthetic version of this chemical is injected under the chin, and the fat is burned away. This obviously works a lot more slowly than I make it out to be, but the results are there and you can see how effective the treatment can be.
I: While I know that obviously everything during the procedure is under the full control of the doctors, what about any discomfort during the procedure or during the recovery? Do patients report having a hard time dealing with the physical side effects of the treatment?
D: Yes, there are some side effects that come with Kybella, as well as a few uncomfortable sensations that occur during the procedure and directly after it. Since the procedure involves burning away excess fat, there is going to be a hot sensation under the chin, which is completely normal. It can get a little uncomfortable, though in some rare cases patients do report that the burning began to hurt. But this does not happen as often and most patients make it through the procedure feeling fine. After the procedure, there are a few side effects that are quite common. Swelling, aching, and itchiness, but are generally mildly uncomfortable and can be easily dealt with using basic skincare products.
I: Let’s finish things off with something I know a lot of people would be interested to hear: what about the prices?
D: I cannot claim that Kybella or most other cosmetic treatments out there can be qualified as cheap, but nowadays most cosmetic treatments are widely available and you can get treated for a reasonable price. We strive to make our cosmetic treatments as accessible as possible to the local community. Our clinic does this by giving people the opportunity to try out the treatment without having to invest too much time or too many resources into it. It’s just a matter of looking through the options in your local area and finding a practitioner that is offering something that suits you both in terms of quality of service and price. If you do your research, I’m sure you can find everything you need for the perfect Kybella experience. You can obtain more information about Kybella treatment by exploring this site.

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